Employee Training Agreement Template Australia

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If you’re an Australian business owner, you know how important it is to have a well-trained and skilled workforce. One of the best ways to ensure your employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their roles is through training. But, providing training to employees doesn’t come cheap, especially when you’re on a tight budget. This is where an employee training agreement template can come in handy.

What is an Employee Training Agreement?

An employee training agreement is a document that outlines the terms and conditions of a training program that an employee will undertake. This agreement sets out the expectations and obligations of both the employer and employee with regards to the training program. With an employee training agreement, you can be sure that your investment in employee training is well-protected.

Why do You Need an Employee Training Agreement?

An employee training agreement provides clarity and structure to the training process. It ensures that both the employer and employee understand their respective roles and responsibilities in training. Additionally, a training agreement can serve as proof of the employee’s commitment to the training and their obligations to the employer.

What Should an Employee Training Agreement Include?

An employee training agreement should clearly and concisely spell out:

1. Details of the training program, including the start and end dates, and the training provider’s name and address.

2. The costs and financial arrangements for the training program, including any provisions for reimbursement or repayment by the employee.

3. The employee’s obligations during the training program, including attendance and participation requirements and any other expectations.

4. The employer’s obligations during the training program, including providing support and resources to the employee.

5. The consequences of non-compliance with the agreement, such as termination of employment or the requirement to repay any training costs.

The template for the agreement can vary depending on the type of training program and the industry. However, make sure to consult with a lawyer or HR specialist before finalizing any agreement.


An employee training agreement is an important tool for protecting your investment in employee training. It provides clarity and structure to the training process, ensuring that both the employer and employee understand their roles and responsibilities. By using an employee training agreement template in Australia, you can create a document that meets your specific needs and protects your investment in your employees.